Banned books?


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Do you think banning books should be allowed? Why or why not?

Please share your thoughts on banned books........
If it threatens the fabric of the society that you live in then I can see a case where it's justified. But usually it's a terrible idea and completely unviable because banning it will just make it more popular in the age of the internet.
Some books I'm sure don't need to see the day of light, though it always depends on the person/ruling control.
I'm more of a "if you don't like it then just don't read it" kind of person. It's okay to decide if a book isn't for you but I don't think it should be allowed to let one person decide that no one should be allowed to a specific book.

When the Harry Potter books were being released, there were parents that thought it taught witchcraft to their children. I look at the Harry Potter books and just see a made up story about made characters from a made up world......nothing more. I've always treated it as any other work of fiction floating around out there.
I'm more of a "if you don't like it then just don't read it" kind of person. It's okay to decide if a book isn't for you but I don't think it should be allowed to let one person decide that no one should be allowed to a specific book.

When the Harry Potter books were being released, there were parents that thought it taught witchcraft to their children. I look at the Harry Potter books and just see a made up story about made characters from a made up world......nothing more. I've always treated it as any other work of fiction floating around out there.
I'm of the same mindset! So many people deem something is good or something is bad & want everybody else to believe the way they believe. I don't care for that in society. If you don't like something, then you have the right to not read (or do) it. However, you do not have the right to tell others what they can & cannot do. That is not equality.
I'm of the same mindset! So many people deem something is good or something is bad & want everybody else to believe the way they believe. I don't care for that in society. If you don't like something, then you have the right to not read (or do) it. However, you do not have the right to tell others what they can & cannot do. That is not equality.

I agree with you 100%. I'm okay with someone deciding to not read a book for whatever reason. But don't tell everyone else what they can and can't read.
Most book banning fall under the “I don’t like it, so no one else should” category.

I agree.

I think that was what happened with the Harry Potter series. There were a couple of parents that decided that the Harry Potter series was teaching witchcraft to their kids. So they wanted it removed from shelves so that nobody else could read it as well.

I read the series to form my own opinions.
Do you think banning books should be allowed? Why or why not?

Please share your thoughts on banned books........

Well, it depends on what the book is about...but generally it's all about choice to read and not to. No one is going to force anyone to read a book they don't want to.
Well, it depends on what the book is about...but generally it's all about choice to read and not to. No one is going to force anyone to read a book they don't want to.

The schools will force you to read some books. I had an experience.