Writing The Lost Ranger: The Duel At Somerset


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Steal Penalty
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Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Chapter 5: The Duel At Somerset
Davoon Xoursen and Minnas Chimomog, also known as Firefox and Goldsmith, were walking towards a park. This park, which had been where they had met a man named Valjean Westchester, was apparently a meeting place for their targets.

They were looking for Calistoga Owensboro and Dante Cottonwood of course, and they had seemingly spotted both of them.

One was sitting at a bench, looking very much like the man they knew as Valjean Westchester. The other was the well known Old West, one of the few outlaws said to be older than the age of outlaws itself.

The two men appeared to be aware of Firefox's and Goldsmith's appearance, and Old West quickly drew his weapons.

Firefox and Goldsmith followed suit, and soon everyone that was on Old West's side was pointing their gun at the two.

Firefox spoke up. “I see you're already trying to rebuild, Old West. Moved on from your old gang, already?”

Calistoga shrugged. “I'm a desperate man I guess.”

Firefox smirked. “So was Peterborough, but we all know how that ended. Anyways, why don't you and I have a one to one chat, just to make it fair.”

Calistoga shook his head. “Nah, I know what would happen to me if I did. After all, it's what I did to Peterborough.”

“A shame then, I guess I'll end it now.”

“What about me?” Dante asked.

Firefox darted his eyes to Dante. “I don't give a shit about you. You led me to him, that's all I'll care about.”

“Alright then. So if I walk away you won't care?”

“Go ahead.”

Dante proceeded to walk away from Calistoga, he then looped back around, and positioned himself behind Firefox and Goldsmith.

Goldsmith turned his head, but saw that Dante had put his gun away. He went back to focusing on Calistoga.

Calistoga darted his eyes between Firefox and Goldsmith. His focus was too busy in them to even realize what Dante was doing. Zeeland, Finjo, Vickery, and Piedmont all realized what Dante was doing, however, and had all backed away.

Dante slowly lifted his gun again, and made sure to stay behind Firefox and Goldsmith.

Calistoga was pointing his gun at Firefox, ready to pull the trigger. He was completely in the zone, unable to see if anyone else was going to fire.

Firefox began to breathe slowly, watching as Calistoga became more and more uncomfortable with the situation. He then decided to take a step back, which ended up costing him dearly.

As Firefox took a step back, he heard a gun go off. Then, he suddenly heard the same gun go off again, this time firing multiple rounds. Before he could process what was happening, he watched himself tumble onto the ground.

Firefox and Goldsmith were both dead. The two of them dying near instantaneously after Dante unloaded an entire revolver's worth of ammo into the two men.

Calistoga blinked, and quickly looked at Dante, he stood there for a second, before putting his revolver away.

“Thanks.” He told Dante.

Dante nodded in response, and quickly walked to his horse, which was tied to a tree at the park.

Soon, all six men left Somerset and headed towards Fallen Angels. Along the way, Berrian Eastwood rejoined them. The seven outlaws would form the group known as The Rangers.

The Rangers would proceed to murder and rob their way into the head group of the area. With this power and wealth, The Rangers began to expand from seven members to fifteen members by the end of the year.

The story of the beginning was over. As such, we shall skip a year. And begin a different story.

A story about Dante's son, Napoleon Cottonwood.